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xxx Credits

x Design: Sk8Designs.
x Bascode: Duckdz


all those pretty kisses ♥

You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And you are the one who'll decide where to go.

I want sunshine, & beach hair, & the smell of coconuts & salt water & sand all over. I wanna drive 90 with all the windows down, & float in the pool. I wanna party with my best friends. I wanna watch fireworks & lie on the front lawn looking at the stars. I want an adventure every day. I want the morning after around a kitchen table, laughing about the night before, I want the next day with my friends on the front porch. I want SUMMER!

Everything is more beautiful because we’re doomed. You will never be lovelier than you are now. We will never be here again.

You're the one I've always thought of. I don't know how, but I feel sheltered in your love. You're where I belong. And when you're with me, if I close my eyes, there are times I swear I feel like I can fly for a moment in time.

I’ve always known who I am. I might not work perfectly, or be like them, but that’s okay. I know I work in my own way.

Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.

when you're young everything feels like the end of the world. but it's not; it's just the beginning. you might have to meet a few more jerks, but one day you're gonna meet a boy who treats you the way you deserve to be treated. like the sun rises and sets with you.

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Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky're like shooting stars ^^

..I could realy use a wish wright now.wish right now.wish right now.

Nije ovo prvi put da radim blog,pa nije da sam izgubljena u tome.
Malo o meni? pa..jednostano uživam u životu, dok jos mogu, jer najljepse je bit djete jelda? zato ja volim Petra Pana ;) nebi svi trebali kukat oko škole, jer su školske godine ipak najljepše godine u našim životima.Zapravo to je jedino doba u životu di nema druge brige osim škole koja i nije tako teška,ako učiš naravno.
Bas u toj zgradi (ponekad pojam dosade a ponekad zabave) nalaze se prijatelji koji se pamte i do kraja života kao sto naprijmjer ja imam frendice s kojima prije nisam bila jako dobra a sada jesam, a koje ce u mom srcu ostat zauvjek iako jednom nebudu bile pokraj mene. <3

Couse we all should have a best friends.

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